Tuesday, January 11, 2011

People laden garment industry

On the road to Koh Kong-Garments

     We passed a series of garment factories on our way. The factories stretch from the road all the way back like industrial parks back home…only obscenely large and go on as far as the eye can see. Their commute is different than ours. They pack into vans, tuk-tuks, trucks – anything you can fit bodies into. In many of the vehicles, people were packed 4-5 in the front passenger seat alone. Often, they will fit five to ten people on the roofs of some of the vans we saw. They gave new meaning to the concept of HOV (High-Occupancy Vehicle) that we have in the DC area.
The people work 7 to 5 every day, and sometimes endure one to two hour rides each way and may earn a $1.50 to $5 a day depending on the company and the chance for overtime. 
These folks were tired. Enjoy your next commute.

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